Sustainable Travel Tips

Sustainable Travel Tips

1. Limit your trash
Use things you can reuse. Think about buying a (grocery) bag so you don’t need any plastic bags from shops or reuse your drinking bottle. Try saying no to using plastic straws and plates.

Think twice before you throw something out. Maybe someone else can use your plastic bottle or clothes with a small hole in it. It may not seem worthy to you anymore, but other people can be very happy with it!

2. Save water and electricity
Water is usually scarce in Ethiopia. Take a short shower instead of a bath, don’t let the water run while brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Don’t forget to turn off the lights and air conditioning when leaving the room. Use your towels more than once.

3. Flora and fauna
It is very important to preserve the flora and fauna during your trip. Try to follow the tips below:
- Stay on the road, don’t wander off road. This can cause a lot of damage to the nature.
- Try to stay away from wild animals and don’t feed them.
- Eat and drink the local seasonal products
- Try to eat vegetarian! A day of veggie food can really make an impact.
- Don’t buy souvenirs which are made out of endangered animals or plants

4. Culture and traditions
Respect the local culture and traditions during your travels. Wear appropriate clothing, learn some basic words in the local language and if you want to take a picture of someone, ask first. We are sure you would appreciate that too.

5. Transport
Of course, we do understand that taking a local flight is sometimes easier and necessary. But try to avoid flying too much. Take a local bus or shared transport every now and then to compensate. While being in cities, put on some good hiking shoes and go for a long walk instead of a taxi ride. And if you can rent a bike somewhere, even better.

6. Activities
Go for activities with a low impact on the nature, people and culture of the country.
- Our community tracking in Southern Ethiopia is the perfect example of a sustainable activity. Walking, camping and meeting the locals in their own habitat.
- Only participate in animal friendly activities
- Book your trips at small local companies

7. Food and drinks
- Buy local products to support the economy & reduce import
- Eat seasonal. This way you can insure your fruits and veggies have not been imported